
Cities facing the Climate Crisis

These resources are from the Cities facing the Climate Crisis session on 2nd February Recordings of the talks Why cities are important in the climate crisis - Sue Errington, DDE…
Climate Emergency Talks 2nd Feb

These resources are from the Cities facing the Climate Crisis session on 2nd February

Recordings of the talks
Why cities are important in the climate crisis – Sue Errington, DDE
What is a sustainable city? – Jeff Ridley, Met Office Exeter
Climate Accountability – Diana Moore, Councillor for St David’s Ward and Co-leader of the Progressive Group

Why cities are important in the climate crisis (ppt)
What is a sustainable city? (ppt)
Climate Accountability (pdf)

Links to follow up

IMPACT Community carbon calculator –  digital visualisation tool that helps you understand your community’s carbon footprint.

Curitiba, Brazil – a sustainable city?

Net Zero Exeter 2030 Plan 
Exeter to recognise risks of not achieving Net Zero by 2030 
Liveable Exeter – combining new homes with meaningful and high value jobs and services

The Devon Climate Emergency Project: raising awareness and encouraging everyone to act.
Devon Carbon Plan