
A FAIR COP? Reflections

These resources are from the FAIR COP session on 15th November Recordings of the talksSummary - Andrew Bell, DDE The Science - Jeff Ridley, Met Office The Economics - Molly…
FB image 15th November

These resources are from the FAIR COP session on 15th November

Recordings of the talks
Summary – Andrew Bell, DDE
The Science – Jeff Ridley, Met Office
The Economics – Molly Scott Cato, Green Economist
The Campaigning – Adam Musgrave, Oxfam
The Q & A session – Panelist and Audience

PowerPoint presentations
The Campaigning

Links to follow up
Met Office resources on COP26
Common climate change questions and answers

Green steel:
Greens call for UK ‘climate crisis cabinet’ to push through urgent climate action
Green Party paper: Making Reparation for a History of Colonialism and Enslavement

Oxfam Petition: Demand action now to prevent catastrophic climate change

Short Oxfam videos as part of their The Human Impact of Climate Change teaching resource
Ghana – The sea eroded all the vast land
Kenya – I am and environmentalist and clmate activist
UK and Malawi – I’m looking forward to seeing change
Burkina Faso – Women and Climate Change
Guatemala – Luca’s life without rain

Suggested Actions
From the Audience
– Methane: don’t throw food waste into landfill, eat less meat and dairy.
– Push our government to show leadership in the remainder of its COP presidency: increased aid, #StopCambo, no Cumbrian coal miWatch out for an Oxfam campaign targeting MPs.
– Understand our history: why do we have a moral debt?<
– Ask our government to sign up to the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance and commit the UK to the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
– Read the Green Party press release at
For the Government
– A commitment to introduce a ‘climate test’ for all government projects leading to the scrapping of those incompatible with urgent climate action. This means no £27bn road building project, no more airport expansion and no additional oil, gas and coal.
– Task the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) with an urgent review of ongoing and proposed fossil fuel subsidies with a view to immediately ending them.
– Immediately reverse the cut to the UK’s overseas aid budget and secure funding for climate reparations, in recognition of the harm already caused by the climate crisis, and to compensate countries in the Global South for the loss and damage caused by the changing climate and build a green economy for the future.
– Commit the UK to the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
– Sign up to the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance – an international coalition of governments led by Denmark and Costa Rica and stakeholders working to facilitate the managed phase-out of oil and gas production