
Neomi Alam

Neomi Alam, a faith and diversity speaker, works mainly in schools across Devon with over 20 years’ experience.

Neomi Alam, a faith and diversity speaker, works mainly in schools across Devon with over 20 years’ experience. Working closely with Exeter Mosque, her work helps to break down the barriers of hatred and ignorance and promotes a greater understanding of diversity in an increasingly hostile environment in matters of race, equality and inclusivity. Her work includes presentations and talks about faith, culture, heritage and diversity across the UK. She offers interactive activities and a Q&A session with students and teachers to give them a meaningful and vibrant understanding of Islam.

Born in London and educated in Scotland, her own experiences of being raised as a British Bangladeshi Muslim gives a rich and varied insight into the complexities of identity and diversity. Amongst other work led by people from diverse backgrounds, she strives to raise awareness of the atrocities and global effects of colonialism in Devon schools and beyond.